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These Various Fruits to Raise Platelets

When platelet counts are low, eating various fruits to increase platelets can be a step that helps to overcome them. Some types of vitamins and minerals contained in certain fruits are believed to be able to increase the number of platelets. Decreased platelet levels in the blood can be caused by dengue fever. In addition, this condition can also be caused by consumption of certain drugs, diseases that attack the immune system, hemolytic urematic syndrome, enlarged spleen, sepsis, and blood cancer.

Fruit Choices for Increasing Platelets

To help increase platelet levels in the blood, it is necessary to know in advance the cause of the decreased platelets. For example, if a decrease in platelets is caused by the consumption of certain drugs, the doctor will stop or replace the drug that is suspected to be the cause. Meanwhile, if the cause is a disease, the doctor will provide treatment for the disease. In addition, eating fruit can be an option to increase platelet count. Some of the following types of fruit are claimed to help increase platelet levels:

1. Guava

Although it still needs to be further investigated, guava is believed to be able to increase platelet levels due to its vitamin C content. Vitamin C can increase body immunity and increase platelet levels. In addition to the fruit, guava leaves are also known to be effective in increasing platelet levels. A simple way to get guava leaf extract is to boil the leaf. Research shows that consumption of guava leaf boiled water can increase platelet levels, thereby preventing bleeding in DHF.

2. Mango

The next fruit to increase platelets is mango. Mango is believed to increase platelet levels because it contains vitamin C which is quite high. Vitamin C found in mangoes can help the absorption of iron and increase the number of platelets in the blood.

3. Orange

Oranges are also believed to help increase platelet counts in the blood. This is because the orange contained folate, which is a substance needed to form blood cells, including platelets.

4. Pomegranate

The next fruit that is believed to help raise platelet levels in the blood is pomegranate. This is because pomegranates contain lots of vitamin C, as well as contain folate which plays a role in the formation of blood cells. Another fruit that is also believed to help raise platelets is papaya. But not the fruit is used, but the leaves. Research shows that consumption of papaya leaf juice can increase platelet levels of dengue patients. However, this still requires further research. In addition to consuming fruit to raise platelets, other foods that are also believed to increase platelets are iron-containing foods, such as shellfish, beans, beef, eggs, and black beans; and foods that contain vitamin B12, such as salmon, tuna, beef, yogurt, and liver. The various types of fruit described above can help increase platelet levels in the blood. But when you experience a decrease in platelets, you need to do an examination and consultation to the doctor so that treatment will be adjusted to your condition.


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